I love these videos. This is the third instalment of the series entitled social media revolution, and its pretty funky. It gets some interesting bits of information across and in such an entertaining way and also it gives everyone a break from listening to me ramble on about things. Have a watch and enjoy. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0EnhXn5boM&feature=digest_fri,7-99:digest&w=450&h=300] Read more →
Would you poke them in real life?
People have a tendency to forget that the common sense and the normal etiquette used in everyday life applies online in exactly the same way. Why do we approach it so differently? What if you tried the same methods so many typically employ online to the real world? Would you do it? I didn’t think so! But this guy did… Read more →
Genius Spam from the Federal High Court and a serious note
I don’t get much spam and any I do get is the usual fair of pathetic efforts to sell me something crap in a half assed email with missing images, large glaring colourful text or a mishmash of badly coded html design. This one caught my eye though, and by the time I was done reading it I was laughing… Read more →
How to Approach Different Cultures via Social Media
As more businesses start to cotton onto the value of using the web to market themselves internationally, they’re also coming to see the value of good quality website localisation – basically the process of translating and culturally adapting a website for different languages and cultures. Social media marketing is another hot topic right now. With around 600 million users signed… Read more →
Self Employed in Spain – Why bureaucracy strangles us.
The titles a bit heavy but this short clip goes a long way (and puts a bit of a funny spin) on the process of becoming self employed in Spain. Its not just becoming self emplopyed that can be so frustrating however. Most systems in Spain are still bogged down in bureaucratic nonsense with bottle-necks in the system, unclear processes… Read more →
Getting cheap flights online with the Irish
With St. Paddys Day less than 24 hours away I have to say I was delighted to come across this. Puts me and Im sure a few of my colleagues (yer all irish tomorrow lads and lassies!) in the mood for a right ole party to celebrate the green! Its just ever so slightly taking the piss out of booking… Read more →
Manage Facebook tabs and iframes with a wordpress plugin
Some of you may be aware that Facebook have been threatening/promising (depending on your point of view) to change their current setup , again, by removing the FBML (Face Book Markup Language) and instead reverting to the use of iframes. this is for a few reasons that we dont really care about as what matters to use is: Will it… Read more →
Social Media on Fox News – The Future as we know it?
Really and truly, I would not be surprised if this happens some day. Seriously… I wouldnt. Great stuff. What makes it for me is the mention of Geocities at the end (its gone, dont exist, been turned of, went *poof!*, into the nether… etc etc.). Even comedy cant keep up with developments online. HA! Read more →
An honest Irishmans view on the economic crisis and the bailout
This is the most honest opinion I have heard on the whole bloody situation surrounding Ireland, the economy worldwide, the bailout and the banks. I love social media, there is no way any of this would have been broadcast on any TV reporting station in the world. Mores the pity. I wish this old fella was my grandad. I’m dead… Read more →
How the irish bailout works – truthfully
It never ceases to amaze me how the Irish always manage to put something in perspective, even when its an 85 billion euro loan from the EU. Just to lighten the mood (and to deviate away from my usual social media efforts to something much more on the “social” side) heres how it works…and I can never resisit a good… Read more →